Southern Illinois Sightseeing

9:24 AM

A couple of months ago I went to visit family in Southern Illinois. I always enjoy my trips back there, and not just because I get to see family I haven't seen in ages. It's because it's so different than the surroundings I'm used to. Things are slower there, like everything you do has a purpose. You'd think West Virginia would be that way... but no, we can be pretty hustle and bustle around here.

And the literal landscape! I'm used to tall hills that are encompassing, but Southern Illinois is flat as flat can be. It makes for some amazing sunsets and makes it pretty east to spot little critters out and about. Sunsets and animals are two of my many favorite things, so I brought along my camera and went on a few rides out through the country to capture why my trips there are so relaxing to me.

I obviously need to work on mastering my DSLR and, let's be real, my editing could probably use some work, too. But photography is a big hobby of mine and absolutely love looking at other bloggers' photos, whether it's products or a day in their life. So I thought I would share a few of my favorite shots from my trip.

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