Autumn Goals | 2015

8:35 AM

Autumn is officially here, and I don't really know how to feel about that. I love fall, but that means winter is right around the corner and I am not a fan of the December, January and February months. It seems like it was only a few weeks ago that the trees had finally filled out with leaves! But I am looking forward to some cooler weather, colorful trees, cozy blankets and horror movies.

I am also looking forward to getting. shit. done. And seeing The Dainty Squid's fall goals inspired me to list the shit I want to do this fall. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy.

1. Renovate my bedroom-- with an office space. Right now I am typing this post on a bed. It sounds great, sure, but it is actually not that comfortable. I work from home now, which means I need a proper office space. This fall, I want to create one in my bedroom that will inspire me and keep me motivated.

2. Take more photos. Last fall I was so busy with school and work that I never really got a chance to go out and enjoy the new DSLR I had purchased the summer before. This year I want to make sure I capture some of the stunning beauty West Virginia has to offer in the fall months.

3. Read all of the books. Okay, so obviously not all of them. But I set a goal for myself at the beginning of the year and I am way behind.

4. Work on my writing. I've been neglecting my creative writing for a while now. I want to use the next few months to work on new stuff and maybe even send some of my work out into the world.

5. Film my short movie. It's way out of my comfort zone, but I came up with an idea for a short horror film. My friend Candice has directed her own film and I'm hoping to team up with her to make this one come to life.

6. Visit the farmers' market, like, all of the time. Because I love walking around amidst the hay bales, corn stalks and pumpkins. (Plus getting those fresh fruits and veggies while they last!)

What sorts of things do you want to make sure to do this fall?

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