Re-Introducing Born in August (sort of)

8:06 AM

I like themes. And, honestly, I don't have enough of them in my life. No one around me throws theme parties-- like, ever, and what is up with that? I also really like alliteration, which is something else those around be seem to under appreciate. That's okay. It just means I have to find a place of my own to let these loves shine.

So I am going all in this autumn and completely restructuring my blog!

What does that mean? It means you can expect more posts about more topics. Makeup Mondays, TV Tuesdays, Thoughtful Thursdays and Fashion Fridays are headed your way. Will that be all, you ask? No, gentle viewer, I have too many interests for that. Just because home interior and DIY don't have an alliterative day of the week to match up with, that doesn't mean I will abandon them. We will just have to wait and see when and where they pop up!

I hope that those of you with varied interested will stay with me on this journey-- and that those of you who only like one or two of my themed thoughts will stick around, too.

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