Life Lately | The New Year

7:33 PM

I want to start of this week's Life Lately by saying that I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you celebrate. But now that Christmas is over, the start of a new year is right around the corner and that means that a lot of us will be trying to come up with resolutions to make 2016 the best year ever, am I right?

I've been thinking about the upcoming year for the past couple of weeks. What do I want to bring into my life in the new year? What goals to I want to accomplish? What do I need to change? I definitely know the answers to a few of those, and if you asked me to jot down a list of resolutions I totally could (and probably will). But today I've also been hit with a major realization: I shouldn't depend on these resolutions.

We all know the jokes about resolutions that get broken by February, if not sooner. And I think the reason why we break our resolutions so easily is because we put too much pressure on ourselves to keep them. It is overwhelming to start out on what is sometimes a new life journey in just a day. There is something to be said for easing into new habits and mindsets. And our resolutions don't even have to start at the beginning of the year! If one of your goals is to work out more, but you only make it to the gym a few times in January, that's okay! You still have eleven months to make it work for you.

Many of us also seem to think that if we don't accomplish a certain goal, we have failed. But something we need to remember is that, sometimes, things happen for a reason. Go ahead and roll your eyes (I would), but sometimes the reason you didn't get that job is because a better one is waiting for you. Sometimes he didn't put a ring on it because the love of your life is still out there. What may seem like a failure could be a stepping stone to something way better.

And that is why, even though I am making a list of resolutions and goals, I'm not going to be dependent on them. I am going to let my resolutions grow, or die, or change as they need to. I am going to set my intentions for the new year and hope that the universe allows that, or something better, to find it's way into my life.

But I want to know... Do you make resolutions for the new year? What are they for 2016?

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