Life Lately | 12.20.15

7:14 PM

Every few months, I take some time to consider the nature of my blog. In the past this has caused me to change the layout, change the name, or change the type of content I post. But, months later, I will still feel like my blog isn’t quite what— or where— I want it to be. Sometimes it is like my blog and I are two gears that just haven’t totally clicked into place yet.

This is, of course, completely my own fault. I spend too much time worrying about what I should be doing as a blogger and not enough time focusing on what I want to be doing as a blogger. This has influenced what I post and when I post, and has left me feeling awfully guilty when I don’t feel like I’ve met my own standards. It’s something I struggle with in my day to day life as well. I’m often too worried about what I need to get done this evening, this week or just in the general future. It makes it nearly impossible to just genuinely be in moment.

If you follow my blog, you know that I’ve had some major life stuff going on lately. And there is even more where that came from— this time, exciting stuff that I hope I will feel comfortable announcing soon. But all of this change really makes a person stop and consider, well, everything. I’ve really been taking the time to get to know who I am right now: what I want, what I need, and what I want to put out into the world. And I’ve realized that, for a long time, I haven’t been living authentically or being true to myself.

I know that the word ‘authentic’ has been a little trendy lately, but I’m here to tell you… It is a good word. It is a word you need to accept into your life, no matter how many times it has made you roll your eyes in the past.

I want to make sure that what I put out into the world— in how I present myself each day, what I post on social media, the content I blog about— is not only coming from a good place, but an authentic place as well.  My audience is small, but I appreciate every single one of you and want to give you interesting and helpful but, most of all, honest content. I want to share my life and my thoughts with you all, whether it focuses on beauty, spirituality, work… Whatever.

So, really, the blog won’t be changing that much. I just want to put more thought into what I post— the subject, the words, the photographs. The layout may change, but what can I say? I was the girl who changed my MySpace layout almost weekly (and my Top Eight every other day). I’m hoping that in the coming year, I will be able to grow into who I am and also who I want to be and I want to share that growth. 

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