Gifts for the Girl Who Has Everything

7:09 AM

Last week we talked about your usual, run-of-the-mill beauty gifts. Giving someone the new Gwen Stefani + Urban Decay eyeshadow palette is great, but what if they already have it? Plus, let's be real, your giftee may not even like makeup. Which is cool... They're wrong, but it's cool. (Just kidding.) And maybe clothes aren't their thing either-- if they are, there are much better people to get advice from than me. That's why I'm bringing you a gift guide that is peppered with a little bit of everything.

If your giftee loves music, they might enjoy having their own record player. They were super hard to find a few years ago, but recently brands like Crosley have been releasing record players that are cute and also pretty affordable. Or you could go for something quite unique and scout your local antique shops for a vintage player... While you're there, look for some cool records to go along with it. You can find some amazing records from the 60s and 70s-- sometimes for a little as one dollar-- or you could look on Amazon or at places like Books A Million or FYE for recent vinyl releases.

Another unique gift idea that any literary lady or lad would love is a vintage book. Some antique books, of course, are ridiculously expensive or require months of scouting down. But, sometimes, if peruse the antique shops or even yard sales, you'll be able to find some interesting old books for incredibly low prices. The book I show above is an old edition of Alice in Wonderland. I paid $4 for it. I also have some old books of poetry and a copy of Grimms Fairy Tales. As an English major, I love them and I think they would be a unique and thoughtful gift, as well.

Sometimes, though, you just really don't know what to get. And that is where interesting little trinkets come into play. From cute cat candles at Francesca's to colorful nesting dolls at Earthbound Trading Company, the options are almost literally endless. So try out those stores or look through Urban Outfitters and ModCloth's gift options. You're sure to find something that your giftee will love.

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