Pin-Spiration | Thursday Thoughts v.02

8:48 AM

Lately I have been absolutely obsessed with the idea of renovating my house-- err, my parents' house, as I live with them. No worries, it's a working arrangement... most of the time.

So as anyone would do, I have been scouring Pinterest for inspiration. Seriously, this and that Kim Kardashian game have been taking up an embarrassing amount of my free time. But I have found some gorgeous images that have motivated me to get to work. We now have a list of everything we would like to accomplish in this little-not-so-little renovation project and we're getting started on a few of the smaller things this weekend.

But if my pins have told me anything it is this: I like white, I like wood, and I like subway tiles.

Where are the Property Brothers when I need them?

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