11:05 AM

As a blogger, social media consultant and freelancer, I spend most of my time working from home. But occasionally I do leave the house for meetings or to pick up some supplies for various projects. Yesterday was one of those days and I thought it might be interesting to snap a few pictures and do a Day in My Life post.

First things first, I have to wake up. That's not always easy when you sometimes stay up until three in the morning working on a project and have a habit of sleeping through alarms, so I set multiple alarms for throughout the morning. Yesterday I actually woke up at 6 AM, which I do (accidentally) a couple of times a week. I really enjoy those early mornings and need to work on getting up that early every morning.

After I do my morning yoga-- I'm too much of a hot mess to photograph that, ever-- I make myself a cup of lemon and honey green tea and sit down to read through my Bloglovin' feed. I've been loving the recent 2015 review posts everyone has been doing and goal posts for 2016. What can I say? I'm a big fan of reflection and positivity. I'm also keen on blogs that focus on careers, entrepreneurship, freelancing and living a creative lifestyle. Some of my favorites are The Blissful Mind, Elle & Co., Career Girl Daily and Wonder Forest.

If I have the time, I will sit down at my desk and practice my hand lettering. This was practice for a wedding menu.

But eventually it's time to get ready. My desk also doubles as my vanity-- I may do a storage post down the road-- which is great because it sits directly in front of a window that provides a good amount of natural light. I'm back on a I've been trying out some Origins products recently, but most of these are old favorites you've all seen before. Two new additions, however, are the Lorac Pro & Pro 2 palettes. They were Christmas gifts and-- wow!-- I'm in love. I thought the Naked palettes were amazing, but I could chuck all of them and still be happy now that these are in my life.

...Not that I would throw away the Naked palettes. I'm just sayin'.

My friend-- and partner in crime-- Candice and I went downtown for our meeting. We were a little early and decided to stop in at Five Guys for an early lunch. They were playing seventies tunes and I was very happy about that.

Then we headed to Moxxee, a local coffee shop, to meet with someone and discuss some potential business opportunities. I ordered a Double Down latte, which is probably my favorite coffee drink in the world. If you are ever in downtown Charleston, West Virginia, go to Moxxee and try it. Also, their blood orange tea is fantastic-- especially iced and in the summertime.

Candice and I then went shopping for some business supplies. We're currently creating a physical press kit for a client and wanted to get the supplies to do a test run. Our idea is a little unique, though, and some of the supplies were hard to find. Other elements of our plan came together nicely, though, and I'm excited to create the finished product.

After talking through some other ideas and plans for the upcoming few weeks, I went off to do some grocery shopping and finally came home, where I indulged in some American Idol. Go ahead and judge me. I'm making an effort to read at least 50 pages of a book each night before bed as a way to wind down and kick start my 26 books in 2016 goal. I'm currently reading The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon. Last year I read her book, The Winter People, and, while I had some issues with it, I enjoyed it overall. This is her newest release, so I'm hoping some of the issues I've had with her writing in the past have been refined a little.

Well, that was my exciting day. That sounds sarcastic, but compared to my normal days where it's just me, my cat, and a computer screen, yesterday was decently eventful. Question time! What are your days usually like? Do you enjoy A Day in My Life posts as much as I do?

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