3:15 PM

Can you say relaxing weekend? Because that is what I have had. I celebrated my mother's birthday on Friday, spent Saturday and Sunday cleaning and organizing, and today has been a day of rest. I spent the morning working (only a little bit, though!) and the afternoon was spent out in nature reading Women Who Run With the Wolves. It feels like the perfect time to reflect on the month of August and what I can do to make September even better.

What are Soul Goals?

I sit down at the beginning of each month-- or, at least, I try to-- and write out three goals that I have for the month ahead that I think will enrich my life and make me a better, happier person. Interested in coming up with your own Soul Goals? They can be simple or crazy ambitious goals. The important part is assessing what needs to change in your own life and figuring out what direction you want to go in. We're just taking it month by month, day by day, minute by minute here.

My Previous Soul Goals Recap

My first goal was to resettle into an early morning routine which I just didn't manage to do. I tried, I really did, but it just didn't happen. I stay up too late working and then I hit the snooze button so many times that I feel like I have to hop out of bed and get right to work. It's definitely something I still need to work on.

My next goal was to start on my first novel, which I did. I haven't gotten far, but I have started a few short stories and rediscovered some old writing that I intend to work on.

Last was my goal of bullet journaling. I started this and found it just didn't work for me. The pressure to make my bullet journal look nice made the process stressful and time-consuming. I think I need to get a planner that is already laid out and add my own creative elements to it.

My Soul Goals for September

1. Drink 120 oz. of water every day. I was doing this religiously earlier this summer but, slowly, my water intake dwindled. I still get my 64 oz. in daily, but I know I feel and look better when I am properly hydrated, so I need this habit back in my life stat.

2. Finish reading at least three books. My goal for this year was to read 26 books–one for every two weeks this year. I've fallen a few books behind and need to play catch up. Recently I finished The Opposite of Loneliness and The Glass Menagerie, and I am currently working on finishing up Women Who Run With the Wolves and Bad Feminist. Be on the lookout for some reading related posts soon!

3. Sell some stuff! I've realized that I have too much stuff, period, and I need to get rid of it. I spent a lot of August sorting through my belongings and deciding what I can get rid of. Now it's time to let go of it and, hopefully, reap some (monetary) benefits.

My goals are, admittedly, a little boring this month. But that's okay! Not all goals are meant to break world records or inspire awe in people. Sometimes they are just goals that help you get from Point A to Point B. 

What are you wanting to accomplish this month?

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