8:00 AM

I have been feeling super unmotivated and all over the place lately––you may have noticed my lack of Thursday blog posts these past couple of weeks––so I just wanted to sit down and talk about what has been going on in my life. I started this thing called Afternoon Tea a little over a month ago because I wanted a space where I could talk about my life and feelings with those of you who read this. It's pretty low-key and conversational, laid back like the chats you have with friends over a cup of coffee or tea.

And it's good I named this Afternoon Tea and not coffee because I can't have any coffee at all right now. My skin has been going mad since I decided to go off of the pill last summer and, despite my best efforts, it just keeps getting worse. I am trying to eliminate possible culprits from my life one at a time to see if it has any effect: chemical-laden skincare, artificial fragrances, certain foundation and powders, and now coffee. I didn't really think it would be so hard; I mean, it's just coffee, right? But the weather is getting cooler and sitting out on the porch of an evening with a book, a blanket, and a hot cup of coffee is calling my name. Plus Starbucks just came out with a spicy mocha drink that is so, so good.

I don't know how long I'll last.

Something else I am trying to give up is stress. It's impossible, I know, but I'm just trying to scale it back where I can. That is why I went social media-free this past weekend. I turned off my phone Friday evening and tried not to turn it back on until Monday morning. Unfortunately, my addiction runs deeper than I thought and I had to check my phone late Saturday night before giving in completely (thanks to work-related stuff) on Sunday evening.

Even though I didn't go as tech-free as I wanted to, it was still a relaxing escape. I went to the local arts & crafts fair on Saturday and did a few other fun things throughout the day and, in between times, I read my book outside in the beautiful sunshine. On Sunday I went to the movies to see my favorite film, Labyrinth, on the big screen in honor of the movie's 30th anniversary. It was spectacular... I really have no words aside from I fell in love with David Bowie all over again.

I'm going to try to go tech-free every Sunday, which should be a bit easier now that I've sold my television. The thing was rarely on and I watch most of my shows and movies on my computer, anyway. The journey to minimalism is long and slow, but I'm making progress.

If you're reading this, tell me about your weekend in the comments, or tell me about your tech- or social media-free experiences. 

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