6:00 AM

What are Soul Goals?

I sit down at the beginning of each month-- or, at least, I try to-- and write out three goals that I have for the month ahead that I think will enrich my life and make me a better, happier person. Interested in coming up with your own Soul Goals? They can be simple or crazy ambitious goals. The important part is assessing what needs to change in your own life and figuring out what direction you want to go in. We're just taking it month by month, day by day, minute by minute here.

My Previous Soul Goals Recap

My previous Soul Goals post was in June and it is safe to say I failed hard. My first goal was to journal daily, and while I did journal more than before, it wasn't daily and it certainly didn't become a part of my routine like I had hoped. My second goal was to keep up with my blog... And we see how that went, right? My third goal was to go out more, all by myself. This one wasn't a complete failure and, while I still get anxious going places solo, I'm working through it.

I'll say I accomplished one-and-a-half of my goals. It could have been worse.

My Soul Goals for August

August is my birthday month-- my version of the New Year-- which means I have to get started on the right foot. How will I do that? With these goals, hopefully.

1. (Re)Settle into an early morning routine. For most of spring, I had found the perfect morning routine for myself. I would wake up and have a glass of lemon water, go for a walk, do some yoga followed by a short meditation session, and then have another cup of water mixed with apple cider vinegar (which, by the way, isn't quite as disgusting as it sounds). I was happier and more productive and just felt better. But things got busy and I dropped the ball. Unbelievable, right? So I definitely want to get back into the routine and maybe add a few things to it, such as journaling.

2. Start working on my first novel. Joining a writing group in July has reignited my passion for writing. I've wanted to be a writer for nearly as long as I can remember, even since I read Resume by the late, great Dorothy Parker. I started off sort of slow, with creative nonfiction essays and poetry, but now I'm ready to get started on something bigger. I've had an idea floating in my head for a while, and I've started writing character profiles and a general outline of the story. Now it's time to get down to business and start writing.

3. Start a bullet journal. For the past four months-- or maybe even longer-- I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I usually use a planner (we have an on-and-off-again relationship) but I need something a little more... Me. I like to make lists, jot down ideas, make brain maps; there just isn't enough space in a traditional planner to do that. I have been witness to the rise of bullet journals this year and I think it's finally time that I give one a try.

This is all totally doable stuff. There is really no way I can fail with these three goals, because anything is an improvement over nothing.

Tell me what you hope to accomplish this month in the comments!

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