8:25 AM

I am big on aspirational goal setting. Whether I truly feel like I'll accomplish the goal or not, setting the intention always helps me feel like I'm moving forward. That is why I always set goals for myself when a new year rolls around and why, since we only have a couple of months left in 2016, I've been 'saving' my goals for the new year.

There have been so many ideas floating around in my head of things I want to accomplish: taking an archery course, becoming more fluent in french, travelling, and learning how to box are just a few. I've been saving them for the new year, feeling my excitement grow as I think about how awesome 2017 will be as I strive towards them. And then, in a moment of striking clarity, I realized how silly that was! These are things that I want to do, that I am excited about doing. Why should I wait for some abstract time or day to begin doing stuff that makes me happy?

I think this is a rut we all fall into occasionally. Even though we may tell ourselves to live each day as though it is our last, we put things off and make excuses. We tell ourselves that we don't have the time, we don't have the money, we don't have the support... And, sometimes, that is true. But if we don't have the time, money or support now, will it magically appear in our lives on January 1st? Doubtful.

The thing about setting goals and striving to accomplish them is that it doesn't have to be done all at once. Start small. For me, that means browsing the web for local archery and boxing classes and practicing French every day. It means setting aside some money for those purposes when and where I can. And it means being flexible. You may eventually decide that the goal you set no longer serves you or that it is becoming stressful. If you find yourself in that position, reassess what you want and need and rework your goals accordingly. There is no shame in not accomplishing your goals––sometimes you learn more that way.

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