8:04 AM

Sometimes we sweat the small stuff, but we forget that the small things can make a big difference on our happiness. I've been realizing this lately as I've been making some small, but important, changes in my own life that have helped me feel calmer and happier. Let's jump right in with seven small changes that have had a big impact on how I feel.

1. Wake Up Call. I've been a night owl for most of my life, staying up until 3 A.M. writing or binge-watching a new show on Netflix more times than I can count. But staying up that late also meant (usually) sleeping late. I would feel like my day was over before it began. Thanks to the new Bedtime feature in iOS 10, though, I have been waking up a little earlier each week and now I wake before the sun rises. Waking up earlier makes me feel more productive and organized. And watching the sunrise is an added bonus!

2. Social Media Detox. As you may know, I work in social media. Spending so much time on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has helped me realize how important it is to step away from it for a while. That is why I 'detox' for one day each week. I leave my computer turned off and my phone hidden away, then spend the day doing something fun like hiking or reading. For those of you who can't break free just yet––it's hard!––I recommend a detox of a different kind. Go through the people and businesses you follow and cull through them. If you cringe every time that girl from high school posts, unfriend or unfollow her. Following an old band you're not that into anymore? Get rid of them. Make sure that the stuff you see on social media interests you or makes you happy.

3. Bedtime Stories. I used to be glued to either my phone or my computer right up until bedtime. All part of being a night owl, I guess. It also used to take me an hour or more to fall asleep––usually falling closer to the more end of things. Staring at those blue-based lights was not good for me for a lot of reasons, so I started laying my phone down about fifteen minutes before bed and picking up a book instead. Not only has it helped me fall asleep faster, it's also helped me read through some of the books on my to-read shelf.

4. Unplug. You might be thinking, Isn't this the same thing as the detox? Not really. I'm talking about literally unplugging––you know, all of those little things you leave plugged in even when you're not using them. I used to leave my phone charger plugged into the wall all of the time. Same with my laptop cord and lamp cords and basically all of the cords. The thing is, this all uses power even though we aren't using them. And sometimes it can even be dangerous, with reports of chargers starting fires popping up more frequently. Then there is the cost. Even though these 'zombie' power sucks may be negligible on their own, they add up. Unplugging just makes me feel better.

5. Zero Waste. When I say zero waste, I don't literally mean zero waste. It is difficult in our culture to actually live a totally zero waste lifestyle. But zero waste, to me, is something to take steps toward––and every little step helps. I've started by using reusable grocery and produce bags and I'm building a compost bin so that I can recycle some of my waste into usable soil. The recycling situation where I live is abysmal but I'm researching where I can take at least some of my trash to be recycled and reused. Knowing that I am doing things more in alignment with my values helps me feel good, and so does doing something that helps the environment.

6. DIY-deas. I've always been a DIY-er, but most of my stuff was on a small scale: a shirt, perhaps, or a coffee mug design. But I've recently realized that DIY projects can help me on my minimalism and zero waste journeys, as well. I've started small by creating my own face cleanser and toner, but soon I'll be making my own laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dishwashing liquid and eventually I want to try to make my own toothpaste. Creating your own products give you a sense of pride––you're helping the environment, getting back to basics, and it's just a lot of fun to do.

7. What's That Smell? This tip is the simplest but also my favorite: surround yourself with scents you love. Light candles, burn incense, plug in a Bath and Body Works room freshener... Just make sure you love it. Smells can trigger emotions, so surround yourself with calming or cozy scents like lavender or vanilla or, my personal favorite, nutmeg and spice. You can even mix and match some of my tips on here and start creating your own candles or mixing your own perfumes!

What small things help you feel happier?

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