7:25 AM


It's been a minute, hasn't it? One of my resolutions this year was not to have any long, unexplained absences on my blog. Which is why I am here explaining why I haven't posted in a while and why I won't be posting again until next week at the earliest. And the why is that I am a part-time blogger. This is a hobby for me, one that I make absolutely no money from. That means I gotsta work, y'all, and work has been crazy the past couple of weeks. I'm a freelance social media branding consultant and in the past two weeks I've gained two clients in addition to those I already had. Great news for me; not so great news for my blog.

In addition to my freelance work, I'm in the very beginning stages of possibly starting a side business. Last summer, I started to learn how to hand letter-- that is, basically, that I learned to write pretty. I started posting some of my practice doodles on Instagram and got a pretty good response, including a few people wanting me to address envelopes and create art for certain occasions. And then boom! It hit me. I really enjoy this. It serves a need. Why not do it professionally? But I'm taking baby steps, as it is an awfully big adventure for me and I'm not usually a big risk-taker.

So for the past few weeks, I've kind of been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I've been sleeping maybe five hours a night, working into the wee hours of the morning, and only taking breaks to watch my favorite shows-- Pretty Little Liars and iZombie. I woke up with a killer headache this morning-- almost migraine status, but not quite-- which has given me the excuse to just sit down and have this little chat with you all.

I do have blog posts planned for later this month that I'm excited about. More product reviews, for one, which I really enjoy doing. And I might even do a post on hand lettering, because it is a fun hobby that anyone can take up. I'll also be making a run to Ulta this weekend to pick up some new products I'm interested in, so expect even more hauls and reviews in the coming weeks.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me. And I hope you enjoy the little gift I created for you. It was my first attempt at digital hand lettering. Practice will hopefully make perfect and I'll be sharing more freebies like this in the future because I really, really love you guys.

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