The Pros and Cons of Working From Home | Thoughtful Thursday

8:46 AM

Working from home sounds like a dream... And, let's be real, it pretty much is. I don't have to worry about whether I can make it to work in the winter, I can schedule projects on my own time and, if I'm organized enough, I can sometimes take an unplanned day off. But that doesn't mean that working from home is all sunshine and lollipops... whatever that means. Even some of the perks have their downsides.

Pro: Pajamas. They are comfy, but...

Con: Pajamas can lead to laziness. You definitely feel more motivated when you're in actual clothing. Of course, I say this as I sit in my really comfortable and warm pajamas.

Pro: Working from bed. But...

Con: Again, working from your bed can lead to a bit of laziness. Plus, it can just be really uncomfortable sometimes. A home office space is definitely a must, even if you still work from your bed occasionally (like I am right now).

Pro: You can work on your own time. That means you can easily find ways to fit in workouts, cooking, cleaning and other chores or errands. But...

Con: It's easy to procrastinate. Because you can do your work whenever you feel like it (within reason), it is easy to push projects to the back burner or leave them until the last minute.

Pro: Less gas money. I mean, hey, I don't usually have to leave the house. But...

Con: It can get a little lonely. I'm pretty introverted, but even us introverts need some time out and about. It is important to schedule time to spend with friends or family. You don't even have to schedule, just do.

Overall, I love working from home. I know how lucky I am to be able to do this at this stage in my life. There are just some tweaks you have to occasionally make to your daily routine to work to the best of your ability.

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