Fall Book Haul

9:23 AM

Because I don't have nearly enough books, right?

Sometimes I just get the urge to go into a bookstore. Sometimes it is because I'm looking for something specific, but sometimes it is just because I like to be surrounded by books. Maybe it's a writer thing, or a reader thing... Maybe it's an introvert thing? I don't know. All I know is that this weekend, I had the strong urge to be surrounded by paper and ink and binding.

Of course, you can't be surrounded by all of these amazing books and not buy one... or five. Or more. So I thought I would share what books I picked up on my little outing. Posts like these always inspire my to-read list and, maybe, you will be inspired to look into a couple of my picks.

The first three books were actually inspired by a fanfic... And, look, before you judge me for being a twenty-six year old who still occasionally indulges in fanfic, just know that I could go into a whole spiel on how fanfic is actually prevalent in classic literature and continues to be an important facet of current literature and can be an interesting writing exercise besides... But that would be my English major coming out.

Anyway, poetry is awesome and these are three of my favorite poets ever. All of them are so important to the genre and thinking about the contributions they made to poetry make me miss when it was considered a valid occupation. Seriously, everyone, read poetry. Write poetry. It's amazing.

How to Build a Girl has been on my to-read list for a while, and I'll admit that a big reason for that is because the cover is so nineties. Yes, I am riding that nostalgia train hard. Caitlin Moran has a history of being problematic, if I remember correctly, so we'll see if I actually enjoy this book or just get pissed off whilst reading it.

Do I really even need to tell you about #GirlBoss? I feel like I'm the last blogger to read this book.

As for the last book, I was a pretty big fan of Eat, Pray, Love. It spoke to the white girl in me and, yeah, inspired me quite a bit. I haven't really kept up with Elizabeth Gilbert's works since, but this one is all about living creatively which is just as perfect for me now as Eat, Pray, Love was for me years ago. Plus the cover is just stinkin' gorgeous.

What books have you picked up lately?

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