Life Lately | 10.04.15

12:06 PM

Wondering why Friday's blog post was conspicuously absent from your feed? Me too. I had a great post written up; it was witty and funny but, most of all, about boots. Trust me, you would have loved it. But every time I would hit that final 'save' before I published, all of my text would disappear. This happened three times before I decided eff that and watched an episode of Buffy instead.

This week I tried my hand at fauxlligraphy and I'm just a little bit obsessed with it. Lettering in general is a new hobby of mine, so we'll see how that goes. I used my newfound hobby to make signs for a friend's bridal makeup trial party-- we didn't call it that, but that's pretty much what it was. I haven't done makeup in ages-- you know, on other people-- and this is kind of giving me the itch to get back into it. 

I'm also getting super pumped for Halloween. This year, I'm determined to recreate the Halloween jack-o-lantern. This morning I went to the farmer's market and stocked up on pumpkins, gourds, mini hay bales and mums... Yes, I was wearing plaid and yes it was perfect.

What are you doing to get ready for fall? Are you excited for Halloween or feeling a bit meh about it?  

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