My Grown Up Christmas List

6:18 AM

Christmas Wishlist 2013

 It was Halloween and then it was Thanksgiving and now all of a sudden the semester is almost over and Christmas is knocking at the front door. I, being a follower of the cult of procrastination, haven't even begun shopping for Christmas gifts yet. I did buy some Christmas cards... But I've forgotten to fill them out and get them sent. Oops. I have been thinking about what I'm going to be getting for the wonderful people in my life. I just haven't actually gotten to the buying it part yet. We'll get there.

My mom, bless her heart, still requires me to make a list for her every year. Some of the things on this list I plan on buying myself-- you know, merry Christmas to me and all of that-- but I'll let her get one or two items because she's just a sweetheart like that.

On to the list!

1. A big purse. For some reason, I started carrying around smaller purses. Probably because I kept seeing so many cute ones and couldn't resist. The problem is, I carry around a lot of stuff. A lot. A lot. I need a big purse.

2. A MacBook Pro. This is one of those items I will be buying myself because I would probably die if someone spent that much money on me. Earlier this year I bought a new laptop with Windows 8. I love the laptop-- I hate Windows 8. And I've always wanted a Mac. So I've decided to give my mom my laptop and finally take the plunge into the world of Apple computers. Now I'll just have to teach her how to use it...

3. A North Face jacket. I hate the cold. Plus I'm on medicine that makes me even colder. (What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD!) I hear these guys keep you pretty warm. I'm not willing to try out Uggs just yet, though. I'm haven't hit that level of White Girl status. Close, though.

4. Notebook. I'm an English major and aspiring writer who has been stuck in kind of a rut lately. But thanks to my Creative Nonfiction class this semester, I think that rut might be over. So I want all kinds of notebooks with me all of the time to write down every thought that goes through my manic mind.

5. A wishbone necklace. Because it's pretty.

6. That dresser. In my room. With my television on it and other pretty decorations. And then I would actually clean my room and do a room tour (which, admittedly, no one probably cares about but damn it I think my room is cute sometimes).

That's my wishlist so far. Is there anything special you are hoping to get this holiday season?


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