A Blog That I Used to Know

8:47 AM

Ah, Sunday. Technically it's the beginning of a new week. To me, every new week is a fresh start and I personally crave fresh starts. I am a constantly changing human being in every way imaginable and, as I sit on my front porch drinking a cuppa coffee and typing away on my little blog, I find myself thinking about how my blog has changed.

I've only had my blog for a little over a year and, let's be honest, it hasn't gone exactly how I'd planned. When I started this blog, I expected to update all of the time. I love makeup and talking about makeup and what better place to do that than on the internet? And, yet, I found my posts to be few and far between. At times it even felt like a chore-- which seems silly because, with not very many followers, I could have packed up and left at any time.

But something kept me coming back and this summer I have discovered so many amazing blogs that I've fallen in love with. The crazy thing? None of them are makeup blogs. They are personal blogs, photography blog, body positive blogs, feminist blogs, home decor blogs... All of them have been absolutely inspiring.

So, as you may have noticed, my blogging habits have changed a bit. While I still love makeup, and talking about it, I've been posting more 'personal' posts about random things that have been on my mind. Random ideas for blog posts will pop into my head here and there. It's amazing and exciting and makes me realize how much I truly do love blogging. I guess the moral of this blog post is:

I will never be able to blog about just one thing.

So if this disappoints you, if you thought this would just be a makeup blog, I understand if you leave. But I hope you want to stay and witness my blogging journey. I'll still be posting makeup hauls and reviews-- maybe I'll start a Makeup Monday?-- but there will also be, perhaps, a Whatever Wednesday and a Fashion Friday or a Book Talk Tuesday. I can't make many promises, what with classes and a job starting in two weeks (ahh, scary!), but I can promise to stick with this blog.

I hope you'll stick with me, too!

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  1. Thanks for visiting my blog, I left a response for you :) This is my first visit here, but I like this post, it's really important to blog about things that interest you and inspire you to write, so I think you're going in the absolute right direction!

    1. I'll have to check out your response. And thank you! Sometimes it's hard to find my footing in the blogging world, but I'm navigating. :)


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