6:00 AM

Source: PinkPot
As I scroll through my Bloglovin' feed at the beginning of each month, I see post after post of bloggers setting monthly goals for themselves. I usually set annual goals for myself at the beginning of each year, but these posts have inspired me to see what I can do month to month to better myself and get shit done-- which, by the way, is probably my favorite phrase ever. So here is my first ever set of monthly goals:

Have one phone-free day each week. I am constantly attached to my phone thanks to my freelance jobs. There is always a post to schedule or a client's question to answer and it is really hard for me to not drop whatever I am doing to help. But that constant connection can be stressful, to the point where I run myself ragged. This became really obvious last week when my anxiety caused a day-long dizzy spell. I didn't even know that was possible! It was scary and it made me realize that I have to occasionally disconnect in order to take care of myself.

Speak my mind more often. This goal is kind of objective, I realize, but it is something I definitely need to work on. I am a people pleaser, but sometimes I focus so much on pleasing those around me that I let my own ideas and wants fade into the background. So this month I want to work on voicing my opinions and laying my ideas on the table-- for better or for worse.

Set a workflow schedule. One of the great things about my job is that I get to set my own schedule. But it is also one of the worst things about my job as it can lead to procrastination and being disorganized. This month I have created a schedule that will allow my to work on my various projects while also having some down time to destress.

Do you set monthly goals for yourself? List one or two in the comments!

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