It's Been A While... Again.

6:33 PM

It's been nearly a month since my last update. I could do another life update post but-- hello!-- I have already done enough of those and, trust me, it would be boring. I have been busy and stressed and now I'm sick on top of it all. I've been feeling a little down, so I searched the internet to find some inspiring quotes... and just some stuff that I can relate to.

I have been living on tea, orange juice, and Zicam ever since my throat started to hurt on Monday. After a long day of work and classes, there is nothing better than to come home and drink some chamomile tea. It really is like a warm, throat-soothing hug.

Everyone is feeling this way, right? I've already been wearing my new boots-- I'll probably do a post on those beauties soon-- and eating on a yummy bag of candy corn here and there. The leaves are finally starting to change color and on Monday the temperature high is only 66 degrees! It will be perfect sweater weather!

If I am feeling down, there are a few artists I always turn to. One of those is Mumford and Sons and this quote is perfect for how I've been feeling lately. I feel like I have been struggling to get up that hill. What hill? Just life-- you guys know what I'm talking about. I will get over it, eventually, and when I do I want to do it with grace... and some flowers in my hair. I want to be that Mumford and Sons kind of girl.

I have rarely had a free moment in the last month, thus the lack of blog posts. My job has been so unexpectedly hectic and you know how it can be with college classes-- all of the work seems to pile up at once. So those rare moments where I get to do nothing (I'm lucky to get an hour like this, honestly)... Those are amazing.

Are there any quotes that have helped you get through a tough time lately? I'd love to hear them! Leave them in the comments, or tell me about what you have been going through. Until next time.

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