My Skincare Routine

3:04 PM

For most of my life I have gone without a skincare routine. Honestly, I was doing well if I remembered to wash my face and moisturize. It just wasn't something I had to worry about-- until I hit my twenties. Then my skin decided to go a little crazy. I went through all sorts of different products trying to balance out my mostly dry skin, but none of it seemed to work. That was because I still hadn't made it a part of my nightly routine.

That changed this year. My skin was so dry, no foundation looked good on it. And I needed that foundation; after all, my rosacea wasn't doing me any favors. So I started washing my face every night.

If I was wearing a full face of makeup, I would use the Clinique Take the Day Off cleansing balm. It removes all of my makeup in no time-- just take a pea-sized amount, wipe it gently around you face and rinse-- and it left my skin feeling moisturized and clean. For days I go without makeup, I dampen a cotton pad with the Sephora Triple Action cleansing water. It wipes away all of the dirt and grime that collects on my face throughout the day. I also use it in the morning. It's super gentle, which I really love about it.

A recent addition to my routine has been the Pixi Glow Tonic. It's honestly only been in my routine for about a week, but it really makes my skin feel nice and I am starting to see more of a glow to my skin. After that, I spray 3-4 sprays of the Caudalie Beauty Elixir on my face. It's a toner, sort of like the Glow Tonic, but instead of exfoliating my face it somewhat tightens and smooths it. (Plus, the smell is refreshing. It is such a relaxing scent to take in before going to bed.)

The last two parts of my routine include products from Sunday Riley. You can see a post I did about them here. The Good Genes treatment, I feel, has helped my rosacea so much that I occasionally leave the house in just a tinted moisturizer, something I never would have done before. The Luna Night Oil has helped with that even more, as well as moisturizing my skin. I don't even use a moisturizer at night anymore!

I never thought I would be one of those girls with a nightly skincare routine, but hey. If you take care of yourself on the inside, you need to do the same to the outside. And these products definitely do the job.

What is your favorite skincare product? Do you use any of the same ones I do?

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