Introducing: The Spiritual Series

11:00 AM

I am on of those people who would call themselves spiritual but not religious-- go ahead and laugh at how absurdly common that is nowadays, but it all started when I was in the elementary school and watched The Craft for the first time. I was totally drawn to the idea of a feminine religion, all about bringing out the power within oneself and connecting with the people and the world around me in extraordinary ways.

My mom was extremely open to letting me explore different religions. She wasn't scared-- as some parents would be-- when she found me sitting in the children's section of the bookstore reading books on witchcraft and Paganism. Instead, she bought me those books along with my first deck of tarot cards and helped me do my fifth grade social studies project on the Salem Witch Trials and modern portrayals of witchcraft.

And in high school, I went through a Christian phase. I don't mean that disrespectfully; every 'phase' I have gone through has been important to me, and has shaped who I am now.

But I just couldn't find an organized religion I wholly connected with. I still feel a connection to Jesus, but I don't view him in the way most organized Christians do, and I feel like he understands that. I feel a connection with other Gods and Goddesses who I fully believe exist within our (and other) realms. I believe in things like chakras and that tarot and horoscopes can help us delve into the inner workings of our personalities and lives. I believe in communication with those who have passed on-- especially as I have experienced it firsthand.

And the honest truth is that my beliefs are in constant evolution. What I know for certain is that I feel a connection to the earth and the people around me. I feel that all things are connected to some degree. I respect the beliefs of others and am interested in learning more about them all, because I believe that understanding with help all of us feel that connection we all have with one another.

I believe a lot of things, but they are hard to put into words. Because I just feel them.

Why am I telling you this? It's a strange little story that doesn't make a lot of sense. But it's the beginning of a new series on my blog: The Spiritual Series. With The Spiritual Series, every so often I'll be discussing aspects of my spirituality. I'll be sharing what I have learned throughout my journey and, hopefully, teaching you a few things about your own spiritual self along the way.

Are you ready? :)

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