Thursday Thoughts | v.01
2:04 PM
The season premiere of True Blood was a couple of Sundays ago and, to be honest, it was incredibly boring. Why is Alcide still around? Why do am I watching townspeople making stakes out of furniture for forty minutes? Everyone is blaming Sookie for the new zombie-vamp problem? If zombie-vamps are going to happen, they are just going to happen. But this is the very first show I ever pirated-- you know, not that I do that anymore-- so I'll be sticking with it 'til the end. The likely horrible end.
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I was able to purchase one of these super cute t-shirts from Fairness West Virginia, a local LGBT organization. I love the shirt and the meaning behind it. I can't wait for it to arrive.
Also, one of my medications has been doubled in dosage so this week has been one big snoozefest-- literally. It sounds great in theory, but it is really annoying to sleep through four (!) alarms and feel like you've wasted half of your day doing absolutely nothing. Here's to hoping my body gets used to it and I can get back to a normal sleep routine soon.
Until next time!
(I really need to get a signature, huh?)